Campus Numeric Code








A code which identifies the CSU campus at which the employee works.  


  • For the PS file, this field identifies the CSU campus if the usage of a class is restricted to that particular campus.  

  • For the JC file, campus numeric code “00” identifies systemwide records.  Refer also to Campus Alpha Code, and Campus Name Abbreviated.


This is a defined field in the Leave Data files:

XX:CAMPUSCD/A2 = EDIT (XX:CAMPSSA, ‘99$$$$$$$$$’);


This is a defined field in the PY, TR and STR files:

XX:CAMPUSCD/A2 = DECODE XX:CAMPX   (A ‘01’ B ‘05’ C ‘10’ D ‘15’ E ‘20’ F ‘25’ G ‘30’ H ‘35’ I ‘40’ J ‘45’ K ‘50’ L ‘55’ M ‘60’ N ‘63’ O ‘65’ V ‘06’ U ‘68’ P ‘70’ Q ‘75’ R ‘80’ S ‘85’ T ‘90’ W ‘07’ Y ‘72’ ELSE ‘00’);


Coding Values:

Refer to Appendix I - Campus Codes for coding values.


Available Files:  

XX:CAMPUSCD is available in the following files:

AC   Active Current Status

AN   Annual Current Status

JC   Job Code

LB   Leave Balance Information

LD   Leave Benefit Information

LH   Employee History Information (Leave)

LR   Leave Transaction Information

LS   State Service Balance and Transactions

LV   Employee Specific Information (Leave)

LX   Leave Accounting Summary

PH   Payment History Data

PHS Payment History Summary

PY   Payment History Extract

SAC  Systemwide Active Current Status

SAN  Systemwide Annual Current Status

SP   Separated Current Status

ST  Student Assistant

STR Systemwide Transaction Data File

TR  Transaction Data File

UI   Unemployment Insurance




CAMPUSCD is available in the following files:


Campus Address





Last Updated:  May 25, 2011