Blank = Title record where Pay Plan differs by range
1 = Classes that work 1 month per year
3 = Classes that work 3 months per year
5 = Classes that work 5 months per year
9 = Classes that work 9 months per year
A = Classes that are paid 12 months
B = Classes that work 10 months per year and are paid 10 months (10/10)
C = Classes that work 10 months per year and are paid 12 months (10/12)
D = Classes that work 11 months per year and are paid 11 months (11/11)*
E = Classes that work 11 months per year and are paid 12 months (11/12)
F = Classes that work 8 months per year and are paid 12 months (8/12)
O = Other, Students, Trade Rate and hourly paid classes
S = Classes that work 5 months per year and are paid 6 months (5/6) (Stanislaus classes)
*Value not in use