In CIRS files containing employment history data, the position sequence number is a computer generated field that identifies the sequence of a particular position for an employee.
Every employee on PIMS has position sequence number 01. Numbers 02 through 20 may or may not be present depending on if the employee occupies or has occupied, additional positions.
Transactions for sequential appointments carry forward the same position sequence number.
We recommend using position sequence number to organize report data as it resides on PIMS (i.e., BY XX:SSA, BY XX:PSNSEQ).
In CIRS files containing payment data, a position sequence number associates a payment with a specific position.
Payments resulting from an employment history transaction, or a master payroll payment, have a position sequence number that matches that of the employment history position.
For all other payments (generated from PIP transaction, manual payments generated by PPSD, etc.), the position sequence number is determined by an algorithm and may not match the position sequence found on employment history.
We do not recommend using position sequence for selection purposes in the payment files, nor as a sort field in a match request using the payment files.
In CIRS files containing leave accounting data, position sequence is the number of the established position on CLAS.
Only one position sequence is allowed on CLAS at a time, regardless of how many active/separated position sequences an employee has on PIMS.
We do not recommend using position sequence as a sort field in a match request using leave accounting data.
Coding Values:
For the PH, PHS and PY files ONLY:
00 through 30
For all other files:
01 through 20
Available Files:
AC Active Current Status
AN Annual Current Status
A54 A54 Transaction Data
EH Employment History Information
LB Leave Balance Information
LD Leave Benefit Information
LH Employee History Information (Leave)
LR Leave Transaction Information
LS State Service Balance and Transactions
LV Employee Specific Information (Leave)
LX Leave Accounting Summary
PH Payment History Data
PHS Payment History Summary
PY Payment History Extract
SP Separated Current Status
ST Student Assistant
TR Transaction Data
UI Unemployment Insurance Costs
SAC Systemwide Active Current Status
SAN Systemwide Annual Current Status
STR Systemwide Transaction Data
Last Updated: December 21, 2005