Frequently Used Files

Employment Data Files | Payment Data Files | Systemwide Data File


Each of the files below contain data for faculty, staff and management employee positions. For complete information about a specific file, refer to its master file description.

Employment Data Files




Active Current Status*



Snapshot of current transactions for active and onleave positions as of the prior Friday.  Does not include separated positions, student data and special pay appointments. Use for reporting on current campus population.

Employment History Extract


On Demand

Transaction history for any range of dates, or point in time, from 1976 through the current date for a specified set of SSN's. May include separated positions, student data and special pay appointments. Voided, eliminated, fixed or deleted transactions can be optionally selected.  Use for employment history summaries and for reports requiring fields not available in the TR file.

Transaction Data*



Transactions from 1976 through the prior day for active and separated positions. Only selected fields from each transaction are available. Excludes student and special pay appointment, voids, deletes, fixes and eliminated transactions.  Use to get transaction counts and for historical reporting.

* A systemwide version of this file (with confidential data excluded) is available for statistical reporting.

Payment Data Files




Payment History Data



Payments and deductions issued to your employees, including student and special pay appointees, during the prior business month or the current and prior fiscal years back to 01/01/84. Includes all payments and deductions for your employees regardless of the issuing campus.  Use to obtain payment and deduction information for entire campus or specific groups.

Payment History Extract


On Demand

Payments and deductions issued to your employees, including student and special pay appointees, during the last 36 months through the last daily cycle for a specified set of SSN’s.  Use to report on payments issued in the current business month and for payment history summaries.  

Systemwide Data File




Systemwide Pay Scales


As Needed

Contains current information for all active and abolished classes.  All major files have a pre-programmed join to the PS file.  Use to include Pay Scales information (e.g., Class Title) in your reports.  




Last Updated: October 3, 2005