2004 May



Classes Excluded From CalPERS Retirement Coverage

Eliminated abolished class code 2367 from affected classes for government reference code GC 20300(k).

Item 565 Injury/Illness Codes

Corrected definition for codes 8 and 9.

Item 718 - Management Data Element No. 3

Eliminated abolished class codes 2483 and 2484 from instructions for department chairs.

S58 Transaction - Sabbatical Leave

Eliminated abolished class code 2400 from audit instructions.

S59 Transaction – Sabbatical Leave, Two Quarters Three Fourths Pay

Eliminated abolished class code 2400 from audit instructions.

S60 Transaction - Sabbatical Leave One Quarter or One Semester Full Pay

Eliminated abolished class code 2400 from audit instructions.

S61 Transaction - Difference In Pay One Quarter or One Semester

Eliminated abolished class code 2400 from audit instructions.

S62 Transaction - Difference In Pay Leave Two Quarters

Eliminated abolished class code 2400 from audit instructions.

S63 Transaction - Difference In Pay Leave One Academic Year

Eliminated abolished class code 2400 from audit instructions.

S65 Transaction - Difference In Pay Leave 12 Months or Less

Eliminated abolished class code 2342 from audit instructions.

S70 Transaction - Service Retirement

Eliminated abolished class code 2367 from audit instructions.



Last Updated: May 1, 2004