General Information | Audit Instructions | Audit Messages
Used to move an employee from one classification or position skill level to another having a lower level of duties, responsibilities and/or salary range. For faculty unit employees, movement to a lower academic rank or classification, as appropriate. A demotion may be voluntary, disciplinary or in lieu of layoff.
PIMS Coding Matrix
General Information
Audit Instructions
Refer to Transaction A58 audit instructions if employee is being reinstated to his/her former status.
If demotion is temporary, enter the actual length of time in Item 415 (e.g. 1-XX mos; Y2). To extend the length of a temporary demotion, process an A65C and change Items 415/416. In Remarks (Item 215) enter 'TO EXT DEM'. Do not process a Transaction 416.
Time To Be Paid Old/New (Items 606/607) is required for an academic year employee when demotion is effective in the middle of an academic pay period.
If an employee is demoting and does or will have a Red Circle Rate (Item 815), process the following:
Furlough Instructions Effective 7/31/2009 Through:
6/30/2010 - Non-AY and Non-Cruise CMA
July 2010 Pay Period - AY-Cruise CMA
September 2010 Pay Period* - AY - Non CMA, Non-Cruise
Eligibility Substantiation may be affected when an employee moves between bargaining units or between included and excluded groups.
*Date determined per respective campus AY calendar
Audit Messages
Last Updated: August 29, 2012