General Information | Audit Instructions | Audit Messages
Used to reinstate an employee following a Sabbatical Leave, Difference-In-Pay Leave, Special Leave for Research/Creative Activity, or Partial Leave Without Pay.
PIMS Coding Matrix
General Information
If a temporary faculty unit employee was offered a three-year appointment pursuant to Provision 12 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement, enter ’ARTL12’ in Item 704B. For more information, refer to Technical Letter HR/EHDB 2004-01
Audit Instructions
1. Enter Time To Be Paid (Items 606/607) only when an academic year employee returns in the middle of a pay period and is entitled to receive both full salary and reduced salary.
2. Sabbatical Leave Eligibility Date (Item 716) must be entered for all employees who accrue eligibility toward paid leaves.
3. At this time Item 714, Recruitment Type and FICE Code are open on the update screen. However, updating this item via this transaction is not allowed. Any entries WILL NOT result in updating the database.
Audit Messages
Sabbatical Date (Item 716) must be ’9999’ if transaction code is A56 and HR Letter (Item 962) is 7757, or if transaction code is A61. If this message is received when correcting Item 716 to 99/99 for a FERP employee, submit a PPT to CSU Audits for processing.
Last Updated: March 1, 2004