Nonindustrial Disability Leave

​​General Information | Processing Instructions | References


The Nonindustrial Disability Insurance (NDI) Leave program is a wage continuation program that provides benefits to employees meeting certain criteria who become disabled due to a non-work-related injury or illness. Eligibility to receive benefit payments is based upon the "wage-loss" concept in that the employee must have suffered a wage loss in order to be eligible to receive the benefit.


The CSU NDI Program Administrative Guide is issued by the Office of the Chancellor - Human Resources Management. For detailed policy provisions, please contact appropriate campus Personnel or the Chancellor’s Office.

General Information

  1. Eligible employees must meet the following requirements:

    1. Be active CalPERS/STRS members in compensated employment.

    2. Meet certain employment status criteria.

    3. Have a disability that has been verified and accepted by the Employment Development Department (EDD).

    4. Submit to a medical examination if requested by the EDD.

  2. Eligible employees must serve a seven consecutive day waiting period. The waiting period may be waived if the employee is confined in a hospital or EDD-approved nursing home for one full day.

    1. The waiting period for Non-academic disabled employees begins on the first full day of disability for each period of disability.

    2. Disabled academic year employees are eligible to receive approved benefit payments commencing with the first academic workday of the academic year and ending with the last academic workday of the academic year. Quarter System Year Round (QSYRO) and Year Round Operation (YRO) campus academic year cycles will be determined by the pattern of teaching for each individual faculty member.

    3. An academic year employee who becomes disabled during the summer period or quarter off will not normally be entitled to benefit payments under this program, unless it can be established that the employee has suffered a wage loss.

    4. Normally, 10-month and 11-month employees are not eligible to receive NDI benefit payments during their two-month (10/12) or one-month (11/12) non-work period unless an actual wage loss can be determined.

  3. Eligible employees must use all accrued sick leave before NDI benefits are paid. Use of accrued vacation and CTO during a disability is optional with the employee. If elected, however, all accrued vacation and/or CTO must be used before NDI benefits will be paid.

  4. Both represented and non-represented employees may use leave credits donated by employees of the same campus to supplement NDI benefits. Refer to Catastrophic Leave Donation Program references for information on this program.

  5. Eligible employees in bargaining units 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 13, 14 and eligible employees in Executive Management (M98), Management Personnel Plan (M80) and Confidential (C99) employee categories may receive benefit payments up to 26 weeks (182 calendar days) in an amount equal to 50% of full pay, NOT TO EXCEED $250 per week for any one disability period.

  6. Eligible employees in bargaining units 3, 8, 11, Excluded (E99) may receive benefit payments up to 26 weeks (182 calendar days) in an amount equal to 50% of full pay, NOT TO EXCEED $125 per week for any one disability period.

  7. Unit 13 and 14 employees are eligible for NDI if they are Core Instructors appointed with a time base of .50 or greater and are CalPERS members, NOT TO EXCEED $250 per week for any only disability period.

  8. The campus has the discretion to approve an employee’s request to use vacation after the end of the NDI period without requiring the employee to return to work. (Reinstatement transaction must still be processed).

  9. Refer to specific policy provisions for information pertinent to Family Medical Leave and Maternity/Paternity/Adoption Leave.

  10. When an academic year employee is to be reinstated in a month with no academic calendar, time must be entered per the state pay period calendar. If NON is entered, no pay will issue.

  11. When an employee reinstates (A57 Transaction) from NDI and the pay period is non-qualifying, Items 330 and 430 must be adjusted by the respective amount of months and/or days as appropriate and complete Item 715 as N MM/YY. Refer to the respective collective bargaining agreement concerning breaks in service.

Processing Instructions

  1. Refer to Transactions S49 and 645 for additional information.

  2. The employee’s position number normally should not be changed while the employee is on NDI status. Agency, reporting unit and serial number may be changed based upon campus need. The class code segment of the position number cannot be changed unless:

    • prompted by changes due to a reorganization where the class code is no longer appropriate, as in the case of a classification series update, or,

    • the employee was officially notified of actions (e.g. promotion, demotion) in progress prior to the date of injury/illness.

  1. If the position is to be changed, process the following documentation in addition to all other required fields:





Transaction Code



Effective Date/Hours

Same as 120


Time To Be Paid (New)



Detail Transaction Code



Eligibility Substantiation

957 40 (Code 40 - if employee on CAT leave)






Transaction Code



Effective Date/Hours

Proper Date


Employment History Remarks


*If class code change, process proper transaction (e.g., A63 instead of 120)






Transaction Code



Effective Date/Hours

Same as 120


Injury/Illness Code

Same as original S49


Eligibility Substantiation

957 40 (Code 40 - if employee on CAT leave)


Technical Letter HR 2001-23

Technical Letter HR/SA 2000-17​

SCO Payroll Procedures Manual, Section E



Last Updated: September 10, 2018