
Transaction S31 - Termination Of Temporary Appointment

General Information | Audit Instructions | Audit Messages


Permanent separation, used to separate an employee on or before the assigned expiration date of a temporary appointment.  Note:  It is not necessary to process a separation for temporary employees who receive consecutive appointments unless specifically indicated elsewhere in this manual.

PIMS Coding Matrix

Data Element



205 - Transaction Codes



210 - Effective Date



210 - Effective Hours



215 - Employment History Remarks



715 - Service Pay Period



606 - Time to be Paid (New Position)



615 - Pay Immediately



621 - Lump Sum to be Paid



635 - Lump Sum (Unit)



636 - Lump Sum (Serial)



640 - Last Day Physically Worked



704B - Management Data Element No. 2



719 - Detail Transaction Code



810 - Settlement Pay



877 - Lump-sum Vacation/CTO Pay Deferral



962 - HR Letter Authorization



999 - Deductions from Separation Pay



General Information

  1. This transaction is used to separate employees who were temporarily appointed via Transaction A52 or Transaction A56.

  2. Do not use this transaction to lay off permanent or probationary employees.

  3. Master payroll warrants may not be released in lieu of settlement pay if the effective date of separation is in a prior pay period or mid month. If the warrant was inadvertently released, submit the separation PPT along with Form 674 to CSU Audits, requesting a transfer of funds from regular pay to settlement pay.  Do not send in the separation for transfer of funds that are keyed after cut off and the effective date is in that pay period and effective the last day of the academic pay period or 'gray period.'  Employee is entitled to the master and Item 810 should be only what is still due.

  4. If the employee participates in a tax shelter annuity, refer to the SCO Payroll Procedures Manual Section I 318 and Technical Letter 91-07 regarding warrants with TSA's.

Audit Instructions

  1. If a temporary employee is being separated via the S31 transaction because of a formal layoff action, enter code 42 in Detail Transaction Code (Item 719).

  2. If separating a temporary faculty unit employee with a three-year appointment pursuant to Provision 12 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement, delete the information in Item 704B by entering ’*’ EOF. For more information, refer to Technical Letter HR/EHDB 2004-01. Note: Do not delete Item 704B information until the final separation within the appointment period is processed.

  3. When separating academic, 8/12, 10/12, and 11/12 employees, (if applicable) refer to the following items for coding instructions:

  4. If a year-end settlement adjustment was requested via PIP because of a time base change or dock and ended employment in the same pay period, the S31 should reflect the amount paid in Settlement Pay (Item 810). Submit the PPT to CSU Audits for processing.

    • If the separation was keyed without settlement pay, a corrected transaction with Item 810  completed can be keyed at the campus.

    • Refer to Item 810 for additional settlement pay conditions that require submission of the PPT to CSU Audits for processing.  

  5. If the separation must be voided and/or re-entered, refer to Lump Sum To Be Paid (Item 621) and Settlement Pay (Item 810).

  6. When an academic employee is separated with an effective date that is BOB, Item 606 is NON, Item 810 is completed, and the employee has benefits, refer to Item 210, Item 606 and Item 962 for processing instructions. (This may also apply to 8/12, 10/12 and 11/12 employees.)

  7. If separating an hourly employee who never worked, the effective date (Item 210) of the separation is the same as the expiration date (Item 416) of the appointment transaction. The last day worked (Item 640) is the effective date of the appointment.

Audit Messages




Last Updated: October 29, 2019