General Information | Audit Instructions | Audit Messages
Permanent separation (involuntary) used to reject a non-academic employee prior to completion of the probationary period. Do not use for faculty unit employees.
PIMS Coding Matrix
General Information
If the employee participates in a tax shelter annuity, refer to the SCO Payroll Procedures Manual Section I 318 and Technical Letter 91-07 regarding warrants with TSA's.
Audit Instructions
When requesting Settlement Pay (Item 810) for an 8/12, 10/12, or 11/12 employee, submit PPT to CSU Audits. In Line H enter audit message number "9564-01B" or submit a printout of the message with the PPT.
Refer to Item 810 for 8/12, 10/12 and 11/12 employees with mid-month separations.
If the separation must be voided and/or re-entered, refer to Lump Sum To Be Paid (Item 621) and Settlement Pay (Item 810).
Audit Messages
Last Updated: October 17, 2006