Used to change an employee’s retirement membership status.
PIMS Coding Matrix
General Information
Refer to Item 505 for a list of account codes and mandatory/permissive membership requirements.
Refer to Appointments Overview for information regarding Noncitizen employees.
When the campus receives a ’Notice of Change’ form from CalPERS, it is normally for information purposes only, unless employer actions are identified. Do NOT process a retirement transaction. CalPERS will concurrently notify PPSD of the appropriate action via a RST (R01 transaction). PPSD will process the R01 to correct the employee’s database record.
Audit Instructions
If an employee had a 505 transaction effective 12/01/91 per a mass update, but was excluded from the DPA PST plan, the 505 transaction must be voided. Process a 505V effective 12/01/91, followed by a
Transaction 215 effective 12/01/91, and enter ’OUTSIDE PERS’ in
Item 215.
The Effective Date (Item 210) is always the first day of the pay period or the first date of qualified employment for non-academic employees. For academic employees, the effective date must be the beginning of an academic pay period.
For noncitizens whose tax residency status (Item 825) changes from 'N' to 'R', the Effective Date (Item 210) is the beginning of the pay period in which the change occurred.
Audit Messages
Last Updated: April 1, 2005